Vaginal Rejuvenation
What is FemiLift?
A non-surgical, painless 15-minute office procedure utilizing reliable third-generation CO2 fractional Laser Pixel technology delivered into the vagina via a vaginal-shaped probe. The procedure consists of 3 treatments over 12 weeks, with a “touchup” one year later. The results are a noticeable tightening of the entire vaginal barrel for increased friction and pleasure during sexual intimacy. If utilized in a different power mode, FemiLift is also quite effective in reversing the atrophic effects of aging in the vagina.
What does FemiLift accomplish (for vaginal tightening)?
FemiLift works via pulses of laser energy into the collagen layer of the vaginal mucosa, where concentrated thermal heating leads to collagen and elastin “shrinkage” and secondary regeneration, producing a tightening of the vaginal tissues. The initial shrinkage and secondary regeneration produce improved pressure on the “G-Spot” and increase the stretch of the internal bulbs and crurae of the internal portion of the clitoris. Tightening also occurs along the base of the overlying bladder, with evidence shows that it also improves the pesky problem of minor urinary incontinence.
The outcome of this procedure is the complete remodeling of the vaginal mucosa, in addition to the re-establishment of robust “younger-seeming” vaginal tissue embedded with thick and long collagen fibers.
What does FemiLift accomplish (for vaginal atrophic changes)?
By altering and rearranging collagen fibers, enabling the formation of elastin and better collagen formation, FemiLift can provide long-term reversal of the atrophic effects of aging on the vaginal walls.
How does FemiLift work?
A laser generator produces safe pulses of patterned pixel-screen laser energy delivered via a tube-shaped intra-vaginal device. These pulses generate laser beams in a grid less than ½ mm apart and 0.6 mm deep via a microscopic laser-produced opening at intervals of several millimeters into the collagen under the dermis (the layer just underneath the vaginal skin). This causes a 360° symmetrical micro-contracture of the entire vaginal barrel, leading to overall tightening in the case of laxity, including tightening of the upper vagina, producing added support for the base of the bladder. In a different power mode, FemiLIft may be utilized solely to stimulate collagen and elastin formation to enable better “stretchability” of the vaginal tissues.
Who is a good candidate for this procedure? Who is not?
Candidates: Women with minimal to moderate vaginal looseness or laxity not severe enough to need a complete surgical repair (“Vaginoplasty”), but bothersome enough (less “grip,” too much “droop”) to diminish sexual pleasure and sometimes lead to modest urinary incontinence. Perfect candidates are:
- Women who have not yet had a child but either feel themselves “wide” inside or have a partner with a smaller-sized penis.
- Women with laxity after childbirth who plan on another child/children and need “temporary” tightening until their final childbirth, after which they may undergo a permanent surgical tightening procedure if the problem persists.
- Women who will undergo a Vaginoplasty (surgical tightening procedure) of the outer (lower) half of the vagina/vaginal floor, but also have noticeable widening in the far inner (upper) vagina (where a surgical pelvic floor tightening procedure traditionally cannot reach), which frequently occurs with a coexisting problem of occasional involuntary loss of urine, and who wish to avoid an in-hospital general anesthesia, which is sometimes risky for upper-vaginal repair.
- Women with mild urinary incontinence.
- Women with only modest vaginal laxity and decent of musclature, who wish to avoid a surgical procedure.
- Post-menopausal women with dry, atrophic vaginal tissues.
Not Candidates:
- Women with a significant pelvic floor vaginal laxity involving significant widening and muscular separation; these women need a surgical repair and will be disappointed with a solely laser procedure.
- Women with significant urinary incontinence and/or prolapse; these women need a surgical repair/“sling” or “tape” procedure.
- Women with very tightened, atrophic vaginas; these women will first need to undergo re-estrogenization and mild mechanical dilation in order to physically accommodate the treatment probe.
These procedures are relatively easy to perform, but the correct evaluation of the treatment options for a woman is critical. We are fortunate to have a specialist gynecologist associated with our clinic to ensure that you are a good candidate.
PRP for Vaginal Rejuvenation
In addition to laser vaginal rejuvenation, you may also be a candidate for injection of PRP (platelet rich plasma) into the vaginal wall and clitoral area to help improve sexual response. This will be evaluated by the gynecologist at the time of your consultation.
What is TempSure Vitalia?
TempSure Vitalia is part of the TempSure system of skin tightening and rejuvenation, much like the facial rejuvenation process, TempSure Envi.
This process is a pain- and surgery-free way to tighten and tone your vaginal area INSIDE AND OUT, increasing your confidence, sex drive, and pleasure.
TempSure Vitalia works by jump-starting your body’s natural collagen production, which in turn rebuilds areas that have experienced collagen loss due to childbirth, injury, or menopause.
The Vitalia system is a comfortable probe that uses a specially designed radio frequency to stimulate the vaginal canal, telling your body to produce new collagen and elastin in treated areas – both internally and externally. After your Tempsure Vitalia procedure, you may expect to see:
An improvement in your sexual well-being
An increase in vaginal and labial tightening
Reduction in the appearance of enlarged or stretched labia
An increase in vaginal lubrication and sensitivity
A decrease in urinary or incontinence problems
A decrease in pain during intercourse
Increased confidence in your vaginal well-being
The increased production of collagen and elastin helps your body to rebuild damaged areas, creating a firmer vagina.
How long does it take?
Unlike surgical treatments, TempSure Vitalia is quick, easy, and painless. Each treatment lasts about 15-30 minutes, depending on your specific needs. You should begin seeing results fairly quickly after your treatment, with results continuing to get better as time progresses.
Typical treatment frequency will vary. You may require more than one initial treatment to see the results you desire.
Because there is no associated pain and no downtime, this procedure can easily be performed if you have a busy schedule. The probe is small enough to fit comfortably within you, and there is no pain associated with the actual procedure – just a warming sensation!
Would I be a candidate for TempSure Vitalia treatments?
If you experience any of the aforementioned symptoms you may be a candidate and certainly warrant an evaluation.
But there may be other issues…..
In order to do a thorough evaluation of your situation we would want you to book a consult with the gynaecologist (this initial evaluation will not cost you anything).
What can you expect at time of your consult?
A comprehensive history about your gynaecological health, including sexual functioning will be taken. A self evaluation questionnaire and an evaluation of your level of comfort with the appearance and functioning of your labia and vagina. You will also have a clinical examination and may require some bloodwork and hormone testing. We will then be able to determine the level of the problem and come up with a treatment plan that may involve hormone therapy or consideration of a new medication for female hypoactive sexual disorder. If the problem is predominantly a physical one, then you may be a candidate for the TempSure Vitalia.